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Hotel Ada Belle * * *

Address: 5 Pietii, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-411080

e-mail: adabelle_hotel@yahoo.com

web page: http://www.adabelle.ro


Hotel Ambient * * *

Address: 5 Aninoasa, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-470856, +40-268-471747, +40-268-474210

e-mail: rezervari@hotelambient.ro

web page: http://www.hotelambient.ro


Hotel Aro * * * *

Address: 27 Eroilor, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-478800

e-mail: office@aro-palace.ro

web page: http://www.aro-palace.ro


Aro Sport *

Address: 3 Sf. Ioan, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-142840

e-mail: office@aro-palace.ro

web page: http://www.aro-palace.ro


Hotel Arta * *

Address: 96 13 Decembrie, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-742166


Bella Muzica * * *

Address: 19 Sfatului Square, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-477956

e-mail: hotel@bellabuzica.ro

web page: http://www.bellamuzica.ro


Belvedere * * * *

Address: 11 Stejerisului, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-415575

e-mail: hotelbevedere@k.com

web page: http://www.hotelbelvederebv.ro


Hotel Brasov * * *

Address: 38 13 Decembrie, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-426633

e-mail: rezervari@hotelbrasov.ro

web page: http://www.hotelbrasov.ro


Hotel Capitol * * *

Address: 19 Eroilor, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-418920

e-mail: office@aro-palace.ro

web page: http://www.aro-palace.ro


Hotel Cerbul

Address: 15 Vasile Lupu, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-415155


Hotel City Center * * *

Address: 4 Traian Grozavescu, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-417583, +40-268-417589

e-mail: citycenter@rdslink.ro

web page: http://www.hotelcitycenter.ro


Hotel Codreanu * *

Address: 29 A Albastrelelor, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-124140, +40-268-525416


Complex Panoramic-Holiday * * * *

Address: 31 Nicolae Balcescu, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-455700, +40-727-789990


Hotel Condur * * *

Address: 31 Nicolae Titulescu, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-262121


Hotel Coroana * *

Address: 62 Republicii, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-144330

e-mail: office@aro-palace.ro

web page: http://www.aro-palace.ro


Hotel Hanul din Ardeal * * *

Address: DN 13, Brasov

Phone: +40-788-191187, +40-720-413-619, +40-268-283-582

web page: http://www.hanuldinardeal.ro


Hotel Helis * * *

Address: 29 Memorandului, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-410223, +40-268-415019, +40-268-410256

e-mail: contact@hotelhelis.ro

web page: http://www.hotelhelis.ro


Kismet Dao Hostel

Address: 2 Democratiei, Brasov

Phone: +40 268 514 296

e-mail: brasov@kismetdao.com

web page: http://kismetdao.com/brasov/index.html


Rolling Stone Hostel

Address: Str Piatra Mare 2A, Brasov

Phone: +40 0268 513965

E-mail: office@rollingstone.ro

Web page: http://www.rollingstone.ro


Hotel Ned * * *

Address: 79 De Mijloc, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-473139, +40-268-472064, +40-268-430458

web page: http://www.hotelned.brasov.ro


Hotel Oasis * * *

Address: 41 Vulcan, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-406310, +40-268-425697, +40-724-377871

e-mail: contact@hoteloasis.ro

web page: http://www.hoteloasis.ro


Hotel Oliver * * *

Address: 99 Bucuresti Avenue, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-311115, +40-368-401055, +40-368-401066

e-mail: office@hoteloliver.ro

web page: http://www.hoteloliver.ro


Hotel Postavarul *

Address: 2 Politehnicii, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-477448

e-mail: office@aro-palace.ro

web page: http://www.aro-palace.ro


Hotel Stadion *

Address: 12 Cocorului, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-333761


Hotel Tampa * *

Address: 68 Matei Basarab, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-415180, +40-268-419246


Hotel Tend

Address: 2 Paun Pincio, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-475082


Hotel Transilvania *

Address: 198 Lunga, Brasov

Phone: +40-723-383409

Hotel Trifan * *

Address: 1A bis Grivitei, Brasov

Phone: +40-268-418893


Brasov Hotels